Sunday, March 15, 2009

The BIG 4-0!!

Today I hit another exciting milestone...40 pounds lost! The past couple of weeks my weight loss has been somewhat at a standstill, and I was beginning to get discouraged...but hitting this new set of numbers has really given me a boost! Also, yesterday I was looking in my closet for something to wear to church today, and all my black pants and skirts were so big they looked ridiculous on me! I went to Catos and bought a few new things...all in size 22! Whoo-hoo!

8 weeks post-op!


Lindsay said...

You look great and I get you feel simply terrific! Way to go, girl. :)

Lindsay said...

That was supposed to say "I BET you feel simply terrific!" Can you tell I'm up past my bed-time?

Kori Hudson said...

This is so great! I know it is very hard to lose weight (still about 10 pounds to go of baby weight so my clothes will fit again - ugh), but I am very proud of you for DOING something about it and working so hard to get healthy! You will be SO glad you did. Let me know if you ever want to meet for a walk or a workout!
