Monday, May 18, 2009


Today I had one of those days where I just wanted to cry all day. I know you've all been there. I was emotional, sensitive, and stressed, and it seemed every little thing raked on my nerves. I blame PMS, because like I said, nothing really specific happened and I mostly was just feeling sorry for myself. The point of my post is not to gain pity, though, but to reveal a huge realization...

I didn't/couldn't use food to soothe my stress today. In fact, it never even occurred to me to eat away my stress, because I think I have finally accepted within myself that food is not there for comfort anymore. This is a huge realization for me! In the past, my teary-eyed PMS days were filled with comfort foods-ice cream, fast food, junk food- you name it. And I always told myself that I "deserved" it because I was stressed. Well today, I had to find other means to deal with it. And, seeing that this is all fairly new for me, I probably did not handle it as well as I should have! I bit my fingernails, cried, and moped around the house watching lifetime movies. But I didn't eat!! And I didn't want to! I did, however, hang up a few new items of clothing that I bought yesterday in sizes I haven't worn in years. THAT was waaaay more satisfying than any variety of ice cream Ben and Jerry's could ever conceive :)