Tuesday, February 24, 2009

4 weeks!

Tuesday 2/24/09
Post workout pic :)

I can't believe it's almost been a month since surgery! I really feel like such a different person than a month ago. I have so much more energy and just feel better overall. Official weight loss at 4 weeks: 32.5 pounds! So you are probably wondering how it's going with food. Well, let me sum it up in one sentence: I no longer derive any joy or pleasure from eating. To some people, this may sound great, and I'm sure eventually it will be great. But right now, it's quite an adjustment.

When I started this blog over a month ago and named it "Eating to live, not living to eat" I had NO idea just how on-target I was! I now eat to nourish my body, and even that is a struggle. One bite too many and its all coming back up or I am nauseated for an hour. Just a few small bites of food creates uncomfortable pressure and fullness. It's not worth the time to cook a meal because I know it will take so very little of it to satisfy me! I am really struggling right now with wanting to skip meals, especially breakfast. I am just not hungry! On a couple of occassions I have been craving a certain food, eaten it too fast, and gotten sick. Chris asked me how many times I will have to "touch the hot stove" to learn, LOL. So after getting sick a few times I mentally just don't want to eat anymore. But I am still learning, and this will get better, I know it will. I am just used to eating such large amounts of food, its like my brain just doesn't "believe" my stomach when it says its full, and that is frustrating! It's not easy to leave so much food on my plate! So I know this sounds kina negative right now, but really I could not be more happy with my decision. I am becoming a person whose life does not center around food! And in the meantime, my pants just keep getting looser! So this post is not meant to be negative or discouraging...just an honest account of what its like to have only 1/4 the size of the stomach of everyone else!


The Flores' said...

You are already looking great!!!

Heather said...

You look so good. I think your attitude is great and you are going to be so successful! I cannot even imagine the hunger/food things...but I think you are handling it so well!

Lindsay said...

Great job, girl!